We truly believe that the best and most cost effective way to reach a resolution of family law issues, is through mediation. The problem is that because spouses can’t reach an agreement between themselves, they may automatically think mediation won’t work for them.

This is not always true as sometimes magic happens at mediations and the mediator can provide many options that individuals may not think about or know on their own.

1. Child-related matters

Custody, guardianship, parental responsibilities, parenting time, parenting schedules, relocation, travel and parenting plans

2. Division of property and debts

3. Child support

4. Spousal Support

5. Pre-marital or pre-cohabitation issues

6. Other family law related issues

Mediation is extremely beneficial for the following reasons:


The disputing parties share the cost of a mediator and mediation is generally significantly less expensive compared to litigation or court.


Settling through mediation is quicker than court, as court may result in delays and waiting for trial dates.

Less adversarial

Settling through mediation is quicker than court, as court may result in delays and waiting for trial dates.

Party Satisfaction

When the parties come to an agreement, they are generally more satisfied with the outcome as opposed to those that have the courts or decision makers imposing decisions on them. When people make agreements and are satisfied with them, they are more likely to comply with those agreements.


The parties are given the opportunity to create a solution that best meets their needs, and their agreement can be as detailed or general as they want depending on their needs, the issues and party dynamics. This means that they can also minimize the likelihood of conflict in the future which would otherwise lead to more time and cost.


If you are seeking a Mediator, contact us below and provide your information.

Please ensure that you note if you are seeking mediation.

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